Friday, December 13, 2013

collage 5 to 8

Here are the latest in my collage a day challenge.

collage 005
Being a landscape artist at heart, I had to put together a little landscape.  This one has, from top a hand painted fabric, two pieces of a cloth I used to clean up, a piece of cheesecloth also used to clean up and a piece of my ironing cloth.  Lots of recycling there!
collage 006
This red collage (I think red is becoming my new favourite colour) It has two shades of red satin, Three different red chiffons, two red cottons (one commercial, one painted),  A peach satin, a red knit, a piece of a lolly (candy) wrapper and two little wire spirals.
collage 007
This very simple collage I intend to add a lot of embellishing to it.  The background is a commercial chiffon.  the orange block is velvet and the leaf is a gelatin monoprint on chiffon.
cllage 008
This last one started with a baby wipe again.  From top are;  a violet satin, the baby wipe and some woven wool, a commercial cotton and black canvas.  The little extra bit is a knit fabric.

Hope you enjoyed these.

Happy creating!